Co-Founder of:
-Dent De Lait nursery & Pre-school,
-ABraCa’sign-Sign language program for hearing babies & toddlers,
-Fun Team-Event & Birthdays planning company,
-Mazitou Production house- Family & Kids production house,
-FRIZZY- Tweens & Teens edutainment center
-My Doll and Me ,retail concept store
-Lake Village ,Family resort
-Academic partner in well-known nurseries.
Works as consultant providing expert advice’s related to families and nurseries.
Hana was born and studied in Beirut in Lycee des Jeunes Filles. She received a degree in law from the Lebanese University and is currently a mother of 3 and grand-mother of 5.
Hana was Vice-President in I.C parents committee from 1988-2000 and president of the book committee; The I.C. Centennial book in 2001.She is also a member of the LLWB, of the L.F.A, the Ain al Mreissseh ladies association, the Mentoring by walking association, and Mneimne’s family.
She also continues to serve as President of the Syndicate of Nursery Owners in Lebanon, a position she has held since 2004. Hana is a highly active in the NGO sector and has been a member of many over the last 20 years.
Her favorite hobby is playing Golf, which she practices in Lebanon and abroad.